From: Carl W. Conrad (
Date: Fri Mar 19 1999 - 08:03:14 EST

I regret that the list-members have been subjected to the 22K message under the above heading. The fact is that the sender of that message was indeed removed from B-Greek quite some time ago; the sending of the present message made possible a check of the membership list and observation that he had at some point re-subscribed offering only an e-address at the ionic centre in Athens but (contrary to list-netiquette regulations already in place before the list moved to our present location) without any user name at all. That must have taken place prior to the moving of the list to the present site or else the current message would have been intercepted before distribution to the list. At any rate, there will be no further repetitions of this.

I am not going to review the history of the incident nor are we going to discuss this on the list. What is in the archives will remain there and is available to anyone who wishes to consult them. Although I have not consulted my co-chair, Edward Hobbs, in advance of posting this present message, I am fully confident of his concurrence.

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