Re: Differences NA26-27

From: Perry L. Stepp (
Date: Sat Mar 20 1999 - 19:32:46 EST

From: Wieland Willker <>

>In the book "Neuer sprachlicher Schluessel zum GNT" (New key)
>W. Haubeck and H.v. Siebenthal write:
>NA-27 is identical with NA-26 with one exception: 2Tim 2:25.
>I have compared both versions but can't find any difference.

We had a thread on this topic back in January:

>I ran across a disagreement in the "pointing" of a passage: in 2 Tim 2.25,
>the NA 26 reads the optative DWiJ (delta-omega with iota subscript-eta),
>while the NA 27 at the same passage reads the subjunctive DWJi
>(delta-omega-eta with iota subscript). (Westcott/Hort note the possibility
>of the different readings, and place the optative in the text and the
>subjunctive in the margin.) How do we describe this bit of minutiae--it's
>not orthography, it really *is* a difference in the text.

>As I said in my original post, this *is* a minor difference. It doesn't
>seem to me that it would affect translation much if at all, the optative
>seems to express a slightly higher degree of uncertainty--but even that is
>debatable, isn't it?

>But, as anyone who has ever been graded on verb parsing knows, IT MATTERS
>SOMEBODY SOMEWHERE. And the tools that parse verbs (i.e., AGNT, Rogers'
>*Linguistic Key*, etc.) DO NOT CORRECTLY REFLECT THE NA 27 at this
>particular point. WHICH WAS THE WHOLE POINT: at what other places do these
>supposedly identical texts diverge, be their divergences ever so minute?

>Interesting: my GRAMcord parser (I purchased GRAMcord in 1993) analyzes the
>verb at 2 Tim 2.25 as a subjunctive, not an optative. I thought GRAMcord's
>text was the NA 26. Perhaps Miller or Carson or whoever did the analysis
>2 Tim made an executive decision and ignored the NA 26 "pointing" (cf. 2


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