Re: mit brennenden Sorge...

From: Micheal Palmer (
Date: Sat Mar 20 1999 - 23:37:16 EST

At 2:36 AM -0000 3/21/99, Jim West wrote regarding his perceived role in
the recent misunderstanding between Carl, Edward, and Isidoros:

> It is with
>burning sorrow that I offer my withdrawl from the list if that will ease
>the situation and restore harmony.


No. This would not help. Your contributions are valuable to many on this
list. Many of us regret the unfortunate tension between Carl, Edward and
Isidoros, but your absense from the list would only make matters worse.
Please stay with us.

To the rest of B-Greek:

I had the pleasure of meeting Jim at the recent regional SBL meeting in
Chapel Hill. It helps to be able to associate a face with the words on the
computer screen. I found Jim to be a delightful person.

Micheal W. Palmer
North Carolina State University
Philosophy and Religion (New Testament)
Foreign Languages (Ancient Greek)

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