Re: Participles and Computer searches

From: Daniel L Christiansen (
Date: Thu Mar 25 1999 - 17:51:15 EST

First of all, be certain that the text being searched is the same. I am
an Accordance user, and so I know that the searches are based on the
NA27 text; I am not familiar with BibleWorks, and am curious as to
whether it might be based on some other text, such as the TR?

If the programs are based on the same text, and if you are truly
concerned at the discrepancies in the results generated, you could
simply compare the lists. Print out the two lists in biblical order,
compare to find where one program lists a participle undetected by the
other, and manually look up the reference. While this would certainly
be tiresome to do for all discrepancies, a sampling might reveal which
of the two programs is more reliable.

Daniel L. Christiansen
Department of Bible
Multnomah Bible College
8435 NE Glisan Street
Portland, OR  97236
(Also Portland Bible College, Prof of Biblical Languages)

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