RE: Participles+martin

From: Wieland Willker (
Date: Sat Mar 27 1999 - 06:45:12 EST

> From: yochanan bitan []
> Sent: Friday, March 26, 1999 12:06 PM

> cohoon mentioned:
> participles in books:
> > Acts--1270; Luke--1047; Mat--915; Mark--558;
> That's a 25% increase in acts over luke. interesting.
> it would be good to break it down into narrative vs. discourse and acts
> 1-15 vs 16-28, over the number of words in the material or against the
> number of main verbs/aorists. it could the potential of being added to
> martin's statistical profile of semitic/natural greek.
> one would expect luke to increase the number of participles vs main verbs
> as a good greek writer. one might expect an added increase in
> acts 16-28 as he writes more freely.

My result with Bibleworks 3.5 is:
1 = number of verses with particle
2 = total number of verses
3 = % of verses with particle

                1 2 3
Acts 1-15 377 560 67.3%
Acts 16-28 362 446 81.2%

Yes: "With computers we can now mistinterpret Scripture at speeds never

Best wishes
Wieland Willker

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