Re: Revelation 22:3

From: clayton stirling bartholomew (
Date: Sat Mar 27 1999 - 21:20:18 EST

I wrote:

> The chapter division at Revelation 22 is infelicitous, perhaps
> Stephanous was getting tired by this point being almost at the end of
> his labors or perhaps his horse stepped into a gopher hole. Actually I
> am not sure Stephanous provided us with this chapter division so the
> blame me be misdirected.

A polite and friendly Scholar corrected me off list saying:

Stephanus (Robert Estienne) provided us with the *verse* divisions of
biblical books.
The "chapterization" that is standard comes from Stevan (Stephen)
Langton, archbishop
of Canterbury. d. 1228.

Good to have this point cleared up.

Clayton Stirling Bartholomew
Three Tree Point
P.O. Box 255 Seahurst WA 98062

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