Re: Greek Translation of Augsburg Confession

From: Edgar Krentz (
Date: Tue Mar 30 1999 - 15:57:59 EST

>It is not a copy of the translation itself, but I remember a book
>entitled "[Patriarch?] Jeremias II and the Lutheran Divines" (sorry; I
>forget the author-- it's been a while) which might also provide some
>interesting discussion from the standpoint of the Greeks. Jeremias II
>was deposed for his acceptance of the Lutheran works.

Was it by chance a Greek Orthodox priest named Mastrantonis? He wrote a
thesis on this topic at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis many years ago, and
I think he later published it. First name may have been Georgios.

Edgar Krentz
Professor of New Testament Emeritus
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
1100 E. 55th Street
Chicago, IL 60615 USA
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