Re: EKKLESIA or EKKLESIAIS in 1 Cor 16:1

From: clayton stirling bartholomew (
Date: Thu Apr 22 1999 - 13:56:07 EDT

> Could anyone help resolve a statement in the preface of the "Pocket
> Interlinear New Testament" Jay P Green, Editor stating ....
> (QUOTE)"1 Corinthians 16:1, the KJV has "churches," without any MSS support
> at all: the Greek has church".

My edition of Green does not say this. Go look at it again.

Green page vii:

"1 Cor 16:1 KJV "churches," Gk. "church" which has no manuscript support
at all!"
> I checked the Sinaiticus Codex and it has EKKLESIA not EKKLESIAIS as in
> UBS3 and NA26....I also noticed that the article is plural TAIS in the
> Sinaiticus
> Did the scholars decide that EKKLESIA was a scribal error and decided on
> EKKLESIAIS, especially since the article is plural?


Green's comment is cryptic. What he is saying (I think) is that there is
no manuscript evidence for the singular found in the greek text of the
TBS edition of the TR. Green does not accept their reading but supplies
EKKLESIAIS in 1 Cor 16:1 where he translates it as a plural just like
the KJV, RSV, NIV etc.

I don't have a facsimile of Siniaticus so I cannot check it but all of
my other resources on this passage show no textual support for anything
except the plural form EKKLESIAIS.

Green is simply pointing out that here we have a case where the TBS
edition of the TR is at variance with everything else. It does not agree
with the KJV and does not even agree with the TR!!!!

Since my only copy of the TBS edition is Green's interlinear I cannot
verify his complaint.

Clayton Stirling Bartholomew
Three Tree Point
P.O. Box 255 Seahurst WA 98062

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