
From: Brian & Tina Perkins (
Date: Thu May 13 1999 - 18:18:54 EDT

Hello All,

I'm attempting to learn Greek and although I don't understand half of what
is been discussed so far since I've been on the list, I hope that I will
eventually be able to join in the discussion. Meanwhile, please bear with
my ignorance.

Carl suggested that I pose the following questions to the list:

Can you can point me toward a resource for a good Greek lexicon on CD?

I've looked at the TLG site, but although they do make it clear that they
have an enormous collection of works, they do not make it clear if those
works contain both English and Greek versions. Additionally, Silver
Mountain's TLG Workplace application does not work without the TLG CD. So,
without investing $500, I can't even evaluate the software and I'm not sure
that I'll be happy with the results.

I have been to the Perseus web-site and am very impressed with the tools
available there. However, I have tried their PIP beta software and found it
sorely lacking. So, I am hesitant to spend $350 for it!

Are there any other options? Is there a CD of LSJ (GS9) that works well on
the Windows platform at a reasonable cost?
Has anyone used TLG? If so, would it be worth the money?


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