Re: Greek Resources on CD

From: Theodore H Mann (
Date: Sun May 16 1999 - 08:37:22 EDT

You might also want to look at "The Teacher's Bible Companion,"
distributed by White Harvest Software, Inc. I don't have a site address,
but you can check with your local Bible book store. Also take a look at:

Dr. Theodore "Ted" Mann
Orchard Lake, Michigan

On Sun, 16 May 1999 5:49:9 "Jay Adkins" <> writes:
>> Hello B-Greekers,
>> Are any of you aware of any good Greek resources on CD?
>Dear Jesse Henn;
>There are several programs available on CD that offer many Greek
> Respected in the field, in addition to BibleWorks, is Gramcord's
>of Accordance for the Mac and the Bible Companion for the PC. Logos
>only I think) uses the Gramcord data base as well, but I had trouble
>its search engine to isolate various forms in certain instances. The
>engine, however, does appear superior in other aspects unrelated to
>Greek resources.
>Here are the web sites:
>There are other programs available, however, I believe these three
>(BibleWorks, Gramcord, Logos) to be the best of the best. Each having
>their own set of strengths and weaknesses. To me the main weakness of
>three is the cost.
>Jay Adkins
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