Matt 11:28-30

From: Kevin L. Barney (
Date: Tue May 18 1999 - 17:11:55 EDT

I agree with Carl's comments equating CRHSTOS with ONHSIMOS; in Philemon,
Paul plays upon the name ONHSIMOS using the word CRHSTOS (that is, now
Onesimus will be really "useful," not in name only).

But this raises another question. If CRHSTOS generally has the sense of
that which is good, useful or serviceable, why do virtually all
translations take it as "easy" here? Going back to Steve's original
question, it seems to me that translators are (properly) being influenced
by ELAFRON, as Steve suspected, because the two terms are in a parallel
construction. That is,

For my yoke is CRHSTOS
and my burden is ELAFRON.

where the "yoke" and the "burden" are parallel, as are CRHSTOS and ELAFRON.
 Since ELAFRON means "light to bear, easy," that adjective seems to have
colored the common translation of CRHSTOS in this verse.

Kevin L. Barney
Hoffman Estates, Illinois

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