RE: Greek courses

From: Michael Luper (
Date: Wed May 26 1999 - 06:32:58 EDT

Subject: Re: Greek courses
From: Jonathan Robie <>
Date: Sat, 22 May 1999 06:58:35 -0400
X-Message-Number: 2

>I have been searching the web looking for an accredited university that
>offers Distance Learning (correspondence), 300 and 400 Biblical Greek
>courses? To finish my degree I need seven more courses. Could you
>refer me to college.

Because of the need to provide first year Greek students with an opportunity
to continue on with their study of Greek over the summer, I am offering our
Greek students here at Emmanuel College an opportunity to participate in a
fully online Greek Readings course, which I am sure the college would be
willing to open up to other students as well. It is a 400 level course in
which the students will translate the entire Gospel of John, participate in
list-serv discussions regarding their translation, and complete a number of
other related requirements (exams, etc.). Although it is a bit late to begin
with this summer's offering (we started on May 10th), the course is
progressing quite well, and I anticipate offering the course again next
summer. If you are interested and would like additional information, let me

Michael Luper, Ph.D.
Asst. Professor of New Testament
Emmanuel College
Phone: 706-245-7226
FAX: 706-245-4424

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