
From: Pace, John (
Date: Thu May 27 1999 - 08:45:34 EDT

Dear B-Greekers:

I am a pastor in Southern Oklahoma and will soon be doing a study on
Wednesday nights about the formation of the Canon. I have read "How We Got
Our Bible" by Smith and am currently reading "The Canon of Scripture" by
F.F. Bruce. My question is this. It seems that in the course of
canonization, some books (1 Clement, Didache, etc) were taken to be not
inspired. Is there a book or a website that lists the different
books/writings that were considered for the canon but did not make it and
why they did not make it? I have a pretty thorough list of the books that
were excluded but I have not found many good reasons why. I am particularly
interested in the Apocryphal books. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Also, is it true that some Apocryphal books are included in Codex
Sinaiticus? What ramifications would that have our canon today?

Thank you very much for your help. You may respond offline if you need to.


John Pace

Dear B-Greekers:

I am a pastor in Southern Oklahoma and will soon be doing a study on
Wednesday nights about the formation of the Canon. I have read "How We Got
Our Bible" by Smith and am currently reading "The Canon of Scripture" by
F.F. Bruce. My question is this. It seems that in the course of
canonization, some books (1 Clement, Didache, etc) were taken to be not
inspired. Is there a book or a website that lists the different
books/writings that were considered for the canon but did not make it and
why they did not make it? I have a pretty thorough list of the books that
were excluded but I have not found many good reasons why. I am particularly
interested in the Apocryphal books. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Also, is it true that some Apocryphal books are included in Codex
Sinaiticus? What ramifications would that have our canon today?

Thank you very much for your help. You may respond offline if you need to.


John Pace

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