Re: Pros

Date: Thu Jun 03 1999 - 10:28:06 EDT

In a message dated 6/2/99 9:28:46 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 Somewhere in the archives, I also wrote about how certain constructions with
 PROS did involve some kind of relationship of some kind of component with a
 whole, such as the relationship of individuals to a group to which the
 individual belonged. This relationship didn't seem to follow with other
 stative verbs or other occurences. >>

some kind of relationship of some kind of component with a

        This seems to verge on the __extremely__ subjective. Native English
speakers cannot even agree on what the word "with" means in the phrase "And
the word was with god" even in English....even among communicants. It is not
__possible__ to say what PROS __really, really__ means, with the effect of
solving all translation difficulties in one fell (!) swooop. When you get to
the question of how far you can tease it from its antique locational meaning,
you enter exegesis.

Tony Prost
All Nonnos All Day

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