From: Edgar Krentz (
Date: Thu Jun 03 1999 - 14:32:24 EDT

>>From: "Eric Weiss"
>>The Expositor's Greek Testament suggests this for Galatians 4:31-5:1
>>(Galatians translator/commentator is Frederic Rendall, who seems to be
>>somewhat iconoclastic in his interpretations/translations):
>>"Wherefore, brethren, we are not children of a handmaid, but Christ set us
>>free with the freedom of the freewoman."
>>I wonder if another possible translation (along this same idea) would be:
>>"Therefore, brethren, we are not children of the handmaid, but [we are]
>>children of the freewoman in (locative?) (or "by" - instrumental) the
>>freedom [with which] Christ freed us."
>>What do you think? This is a totally different punctuation than is usually
>>adopted in that it makes 5:1(a) a subordinate(?) clause of 4:31.
>The question of to which clause TH ELEUQERIA attaches is one that seems to
>have been missing from this discussion so far. Does it belong with the
>freewoman clause, or the Christ one? So I think you are raising an
>important approach. How locked up is the punctuation and sentence division
>that is given in the elaborated [non-mss] texts [NA27, UBS4 etc]?
>It does seem that TH ELEUQUERIA, being in the middle here, could have
>meaning with both sentences, and thus have 'distribution' to both, and thus
>indeed yield a bifurcation of syntax that could only be handled cognitively
>by regarding it as a generic dative, which would require us in English to
>repeat it with different prepositions in each sentence.
>My 'too simple' attempt [with exclamation points to see it as the second in
>a series of three rhetorically crescendoing assertions by Paul] to let it
>stand alone sought to circumvent this repetition.
>And ya gotta admit: This is more fun than the NY Times Sunday Crossword
>George Blaisdell

I think the above interpretation stumbles over the asyndetic structure of
5:1. If it were to be attached in some manner to 4:31, it would require an
OUN or some other adverb, or an addition of a relative pronoun.

As it stands the lack of this indicates a sharp break in the thought.

Edgar Krentz
Professor of New Testament Emeritus
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
1100 E. 55th Street
Chicago, IL 60615 USA
e-mail: (Office)

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