THi ELEUQERIAi in Gal 5:1

From: Carl W. Conrad (
Date: Wed Jun 09 1999 - 10:19:32 EDT

Done! We have had an extensive correspondence on B-Greek (off-and-on since
June 1) of the topic indicated in the subject-header above. Many CP
list-members are also members of B-Greek, and the web-site is the same
location, practically, as that for CP. I would urge those who are not
members of B-Greek to review the correspondence, if they wish, at the web
site (guests may read but not reply to messages at the site):

>Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 08:59:15 -0500
>From: "Jeffrey B. Gibson" <>
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>To: Biblical Greek <>
>CC: Biblical Greek <>
>Subject: Re: THi ELEUQERIAi in Gal 5:1 (Doch Nochmals)
>"Carl W. Conrad" wrote:
>[much snipped]
>> And while I'd certainly deem this a possibility, I'm inclined to doubt
>>its probability. I'm no expert on Pauline style, but my gut sense is that
>>he is a native writer of Greek and that the Hebraisms we find in his
>>writings are more likely liturgical items of synagogue Greek, not
>>consequences of his own thinking in Hebrew when he writes Greek.
>>Deissmann too, if I've rightly understood what you've cited above, seems
>>to be looking for such semitisms more in the gospels and in OT apocryphal
>>writings that survive in Greek versions.
>> My own opinion on Gal 5:1 continues, for the time being ..., to be that
>>the text printed in UBS4/NA27, even if it is earlier and accounts for the
>>variants found in other MSS, is probably not right. I'd be inclined to
>>enclose ELEUQERIAi in square brackets (nor am I yet persuaded, obviously,
>>that ELEUQERIAi is a Dative of Manner, as Daniel Christiansen most
>>recently suggested).
>Since the issue of how much Paul's style is involved here (among many
>other Pauline issues) has been raised, may I suggest -- at the risk of
>being accused of engaging in a shameless plug <g> -- that the question of
>the meaning of THi ELEUQERIAi in Gal. 5:1 be submitted be to Corpus
>Paulinum (
>Jeffrey Gibson
>Jeffrey B. Gibson
>7423 N. Sheridan Road #2A
>Chicago, Illinois 60626

Carl W. Conrad
Department of Classics, Washington University
Summer: 1647 Grindstaff Road/Burnsville, NC 28714/(828) 675-4243

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