Re: 1 Peter 2:19

From: John Barach (
Date: Wed Jun 09 1999 - 12:23:14 EDT

Thanks to John and Maurice for their responses to my post on 1 Peter
2:19. I don't have access to Spicq or the _Exegetical Dictionary_ (alas)
and my copy of TDNT is in a box in Chicago. If you could find the time
to summarize some of Spicq, that would be greatly appreciated.

I don't have too much trouble with the meaning of SUNEIDHSIS itself, nor
with the translation "consciousness of God" since awareness of God has
moral implications. "Consciousness of God" in a situation requires
maintaining a good "conscience toward God."

I'm primarily interested in two things:

(1) Can the genitive QEOU be rendered "with regard to" or "toward God"?
Is that reading -- adopted by many -- possible for the genitive? At this
point, taking it as an objective genitive ("consciousness of God") seems
to make more sense to me.

(2) What is the function of the prepositional phrase in the sentence? Is
Peter saying that because the reader is conscious of God he can endure
unjust suffering patiently? Or is Peter saying that because the reader
is conscious of God (in his daily living) and therefore follows God's
commandments, he may sometimes suffer unjustly? In the one case, the
consciousness affects the *way* the reader suffers; in the other, the
consciousness of God is seen as the *reason* the reader suffers.

Are there grammatical clues to indicate which of the two Peter is saying?



John Barach
Box 295, Lethbridge, AB T1J 3Y7
Pastor-Elect, Trinity Reformed Church (URCNA)

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