Bible translation

From: Wieland Willker (
Date: Mon Jun 14 1999 - 10:13:25 EDT

May I suggest some interesting links:
The United Bible Societies' Translation Information Clearinghouse was set up
in April 1987 with the aim of providing reference services to UBS
translation personnel and others involved in Bible translation, and
developing bibliographies on topics related to their research interests.
You will find here the current issue of the clearinghouse newsletter TIC
Talk, and links to sites related to the areas of biblical studies,
linguistics, and translation.
If you have Web access, check out Wayne Leman's pages. His site features an
extensive translation glossary, comments on English Bible versions, a
section on good style, a translation checklist, and essays on Bible usage.
In addition, useful links to a great many other related sites are provided.
Leman also has a Bible Translation Forum that can be accessed from his site,
where translation issues are discussed.

Do you know any of these handbooks? Comments welcome!

Best wishes

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