Handbook of Greek and Latin Palaeography

From: Jeffrey B. Gibson (jgibson000@mailhost.chi.ameritech.net)
Date: Wed Jun 09 1999 - 09:13:32 EDT

In response to a message from Edgar Krentz that: :

> >>>The same information is given in his [E.M.Thompson] A Handbook of Greek
> >>>and Latin Palaeography (1893)104-106. (ISBN 0-89005-094-5). It's been
> >>>reprinted by Ares Publishers Inc.
> >>> 7020 N. Western Ave.
> >>> Chicago, IL 60645
> >
> >

And from Carlton W. that:

> >I would advise anyone who wants to study the history of this subject to own
> >this book.
> >

Maurice wrote

> Carlton:
> The good news is that this paperback edition is priced at USD 20.00.
> The bad news is that Amazon.com currently reports:
> Paperback (March 1990)
> Ares Pub; ISBN: 0890050945
> Availability: This title is currently on back
> order. We do not have a reprint date for
> this title, but we expect to be able to ship
> it to you within 3-5 weeks.
> Perhaps a sudden rush of orders from the list might speed things up <g>

While I don't want to become a middleman for orders here, Ares Publishers is
literally outside my door (on the same block but on the other side of the street
where I live)!

It should be little trouble to check things out with them (though this address is
actually a private residence) and see what is happening with the reprint. I'll report

Jeffrey B. Gibson
7423 N. Sheridan Road #2A
Chicago, Illinois 60626
e-mail jgibson000@ameritech.net

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