Re: Rev 18:20

From: Bill Barton (
Date: Sat Jun 19 1999 - 13:56:56 EDT

Carl Conrad wrote:

CC>No, EK in this instance [Rev 18:20] must mean (oddly) "with reference
to", an extraordinary extension of "arising from", i.e., it really does
start out as an ablatival genitive, but passes over into a semantic realm
close to what one expects with an accusative of respect or dative of

Some other examples of the idiom "avenge from":

Rev 6:10 God is entreated to judge the martyrs "from (ek) the inhabitants
of the earth."

Rev 19:2 God avenged the blood of his servants "from (ek) her hand."

Luke 18:3 The widow entreated the judge to avenge her "from (apo) my

Deut 18:19 in LXX God said of those who ignored the Prophet "I will avenge
myself from (ek) him."

1 Sam 24:13 in LXX David said to Saul "may the Lord avenge me from (ek)

Could it be that the sense of the idiom is that the judgment removes
something from the one judged, so that the use of EK with the genitive is
in the sense of separation?

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