Re: Rev 18:20

From: George Blaisdell (
Date: Sun Jun 20 1999 - 00:31:31 EDT


>From: "Carl W. Conrad"

> >I am wondering if this may be a formulaic expression of a legal decision,
> >virtue of the two genitives following TO KRIMA. In US courts the judge
> >might say "I find FOR the plaintiff AGAINST [EX] the defendant. This
> >have hUMWN EX AUTHS as a unit [of decision, both for and against]
> >
> >So here: hOTI EKRINEN hO QEOS TO KRIMA hUMWN EX AUTHS would translate
> >"[rejoice] that God decided the judgement [in favor] of you against [away
> >from] her."
>If you're really serious about this hypothesis, George, it wouldn't hurt to
>check it in a lexicon and find out whether there's such an idiom in Greek
>usage of the first century. Normally, however, I wouldn't attempt to draw
>inferences back to Greek usage from 20th century American English usage--or
>I suppose this more likely goes back to British judicial English.

After posting the above hypothesis query, I remembered my Greek prof of 30
years ago discussing justice in the Attic Greek that we were learning, and
he said that justice was not something given, but instead was something
SIEZED or TAKEN FROM... Which would seem to fit with this construction ~

I no longer have a lexicon... Except Perseus on line...

George Blaisdell
Roslyn, WA

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