Re: How to recognize hendiadys?

From: Jay Adkins (
Date: Tue Jun 22 1999 - 07:48:54 EDT

Dear Dmitriy Reznik;

<<<<<<I am interested how to recognize hendiadys. For example, Ja 5:10:
hUPODEIGMA ... THS KAKOPAQIAS KAI MAKROQUMIAS, "example... of suffering and
patience". BDB grammer says it to be an example of hendiadys, and transates
as: "perseverance in suffering". How can we know whether it is hendiadys,
or just listing?>>>>>

I am the least qualified to respond to your question as I am the ÎLittlest
of Greeks', furthermore I had never even heard the term before you brought
it up. Therefore this may not be of much help, but allow me to quote from
ÎFigures of Speech Used in the Bible', by E.W. Bullinger. Should you have
already read it, it may at least help some other ÎLittle Greek' like

Basic definition: (For others like me)
"Lit., one by means of two. Two words employed, but only one thing, or
idea, intended......The figure is truly oriental, and exceedingly
picturesque. It is found in Latin as well as in Hebrew and Greek, and is
frequently used in both Old and New Testaments."

How can we know whether it is hendiadys, or just listing?
"The two words are of the same parts of speech : i.e., two nouns (or two
verbs) always joined together by the conjunction "and." The two nouns are
always in the same case."

In addition to this he does make comments on 25 OT nouns, 34 NT nouns and 8
NT verbs. The following are some brief summaries of those comments on NT

He mentions several times we should notice there are no articles with the
nouns, yet, John 1:17 has an article prior to both nouns and Acts 1:25;
3:14; Eph 5:5; Col 2:8; 1 Thes 2:12; Titus 2:13; Jam 3:9 all have an
article with the first noun.

In John 4:23 He notes there is only 1 preposition for the two nouns. In
checking all the verses he had listed I did not find an exception to this

In Rom 11:17 there are two articles and no "and". His only comments are,
"the root, yes-and the fat or prolific root; or the rich blessings which
comes from the root." With a footnote to an article "on ÎThe Fig, the
Olive, and the vine' in Things to Come for July, 1889."

I noticed that not only was the case the same, but with the exception of
Rev. 5 10, so was the number.

Should anyone be interested the following is the list of hendiadys in the
NT using nouns that Bullinger used as examples:
Matt. 3:2; 4:16; 24:30,31; Luke 1:17; 21:15; John 1:17; 3:5; 4:23; Acts
1:25; 3:14; 14:13; 23:6; Rom. 1:5; 2:27; 11:17; 1 Cor. 2:4; 11:7; Eph. 4:2;
5:5; 6:18; Col. 2:8, 18; 1 Thess. 2:12; 1 Tim. 3:15; 2 Tim. 1:10; 4:1, 2;
Tit. 2:13; Jas. 3:9; 2 Pet. 1:3, 16, 17; Rev. 5:10.

I know this does not completely answer your question and I hope someone
else will fill us in.

Sola Gratia,

Jay Adkins

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