Re: Incidence of article with NT names

From: Steven Cox (scox@Mail.Sparkice.COM.CN)
Date: Thu Jun 24 1999 - 13:20:12 EDT

>Can anyone supply us with some more stats on other names so that we can see
>whether the levinson hypothesis (as put forward by Michael Palmer and

Hi Jonathan, Michael and all
Here is a slightly elaborated list of stats on NT names/nouns.

Old Testament PNs in NT:
Name total %w/o art.
Moses 79 16.46 83.54
Abraham 72 16.4 83.6
David 58 8.6 91.40
Solomon 12 8.33 91.66
Elijah 29 0 100
Isaiah 21 0 100
Isaac 20 20 80
Jacob 25 20 80

Satan in the NT:
Name total %w/o art.
satan 37 86.49 13.51

Non-OT PNs in the NT:
Name total %w/o art.
Paul 154 63.63 36.37
Peter 151 57.6 42.4
John 34 11.8 88.2

Breakdown of usage of (ho) Paulos.

In Acts of the Apostles:
Name total %w/o art.
Paul 124 78.23 21.77

In Pauline and Petrine Epistles:
Name total %w/o art.
Paul 30 0 100

Breakdown of usage of (ho) Petros.

In Gospel accounts:
Name total %w/o art.
Peter 92 64.13 35.87

In Acts of the Apostles:
Name total %w/o art.
Peter 55 49.09 50.91

In Epistlesä
Name total %w/o art.
Peter 4 0 100

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