Re: Papyrus

From: Thomas J. Kraus (
Date: Fri Jun 25 1999 - 06:36:35 EDT

On Wed, 23 Jun 1999 18:12:24 -0500, Linda Gray wrote:

> Dear fellow B-Greekers,
> I have a challenge for all of you, especialy those who work allot with
> papyrus. I need to know where I can get a photo copy of some papyruses.
> They are:
> LXX p. Fouad Inv. 266
Zaki Aly/Ludwig Koenen, Three Rolls of the Early Septuagint: Genesis and
Deuteronomy. A Photographic Edition (Papyrologische Texte und Abhandlungen
27; Bonn 1980).
> LXX VTS 10a (Vetus Testamentum.Supplement?)
> LXX IEJ 12 (= Israel Exploration Journal?)
> LXX VTS 10b
Unfortunately, I cannot identify these abbreviations, but you may consult
the following for LXX-manuscripts (which probably is the most pragmatic
and inclusive catalogue): J. van Haelst, Catalogue des Papyrus littˇraires
Juifs et Chrˇtiens, Paris 1976, nos. 1-323.
= 4Q120, in: P.W. Skehan/E. Ulrich/J.E. Sanderson, Qumran Cave 4. IV:
Palaeo-Hebrew and Greek Biblical Manuscripts (DJD IX; Oxford 1992).
> LXX P. Oxy. VII.1007
The Oxyrhynchus Papyri VII. Publ. by the Egypt Exploration Society in
Graeco-Roman Memoirs. Ed. A. S. Hunt, Oxford 1910. I don«t know it there
is a picture included in this edition, but P.Lond.Lit. 199 (= Catalogue of
the Literary Papyri in the British Museum. Ed. H.J.M. Milne, London 1927,
should have at least a description (cf. van Healst, Catalogue, no. 5).
If you have problems with these contact
> AqBurkitt
F. Crawford Burkitt, Fragments of the Books of Kings According to the
Translation of Aquila, Cambridge 1897.
> AqTaylor
C. Taylor, Hebrew-Greek Cairo Genizah Palimpsests from the
Taylor-Schechter Collection. Including a Fragment of the Twenty-Second
Psalm according to Origen«s Hexapla, Cambridge 1900.
For further information on Genizah(-Fragments) use one of the addresses
referrred to on
> Symp.Vindob. G. 39777
Stud.Pal. XI 111 (facsimile = Studien zur Palaeographie XI. Ed. C. Wessely
(Leipzig 1911) and C. Wessely, Un nouveau fragment de la version grecque
du Vieux Testament par Aquila, in: Mel. Chatelain, pp. 224-229 (cf. van
Haelst, Catalogue, no. 167).
You may also contact the `Papyrussammlung der Oesterreichischen
Nationalbibliothek« in Vienna via

> Now I copied that out of a book, so if I got something wrong, please tell
> me. Thanks allot
> Mitchell Gray
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If you have further question, please, do not hesitate to contact me
(recentyl, I had the editions of Burkitt, Taylor, Aly/Koenen at hand and
made some photocopies).
Best wishes,

Thomas J. Kraus

Universitaet Regensburg
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