Re: TLG Lookup

Date: Thu Jul 08 1999 - 09:42:59 EDT

Brian & Tina Perkins wrote:

> Could someone with a TLG (still awaiting the web interface), please lookup
> APOSTOLOS for me?
> I'd like to know if there are any occurrences where it seems to be a title,
> position, or office.
> Any available data would be appreciated.
> I've already looked at the Perseus Project. All of those occurrences appear
> to be a function rather than a title.
> Off-list responses would probably be appreciated by all.

Don't have TLG, but I seriously doubt there are any occurrances of the word as a
"title." There were precious few, if any, "titles" in first century Christianity,
beyond "brother" and "sister." Even common titles today like minister, preacher,
elder, bishop, deacon, etc., were originally descriptive 'functions rather than

Solomon Landers
Memra Institute for Biblical Research

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