Re: PEIRAZO again

From: Arto Hoikkala (
Date: Thu Jul 15 1999 - 05:59:50 EDT

On Wed, 14 Jul 1999, Dmitriy Reznik wrote:

> Dear friends,
> Some time ago I asked a question about usage of PEIRAZO,and I got a lot of
> useful answers. Most of them said that this verb doesn't mean entisement to
> sin. Would you please interpret Gal 6:1 then?
> considering thyself--lest thou also may be tempted

Dear Dmitriy,

One possibility is that while the basic meaning of PEIRAZO is 'to test' or
'to be tested' the context may also imply the type of testing like 'to be
tested by temptation' or 'to be tested by persecution' in a religious
context. As the idea of test also implies a possibility to pass or to fail
the test I would interpret Gal 6:1b as 'But be careful, or you may also be
tested by temptation and fail in that test.'

Arto Hoikkala

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