Re: book

From: Ron Rhoades (
Date: Tue Jul 20 1999 - 15:27:16 EDT

Greetings Mitchell,

I can't give you an opinion from a super scholarly slant. But I am about two thirds
of the way through Rolf's book, and I have enjoyed it, and learned alot! But, then,
I'm somewhat prejudiced.

It is a very fair examination of various methods of translation (literal and
idiomatic). It uses the New World Translation as it's focus, examines the
translation principles used, the complaints commonly made against it, and "takes a
philological and linguistic approach to the issues, rather than a theological one."

It examines specific passages and gives well reasoned principles to use in judging
accuracy in translations.

IMHO, it is a great resource for advanced scholars and complete tyro's who want to
evaluate different Bible versions. Personally it helped me evaluate, and adjust my
own personal biases.

Ron Rhoades
Nevada City

>Mitchell Gray wrote:

> >Dear B-Greekers,
> >I recently saw a book called "Role of Theology and Bias in Bible
> >Translation" by Rolf Furuli. I was wondering if any of you have seen this
> >book, or read it, and if so, could you give me your comments about the
> >book?

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