Re: EPI PASH TH MNEIA hUMON - Philippians 1:3

From: Daniel L Christiansen (
Date: Thu Aug 12 1999 - 18:05:41 EDT

    I agree with Carl's earlier post regarding Paul's subsequent mention
of his remembering-act being the hinge on which this ambiguity turns.
And I'm not certain that I like some of the popular attempts to
reproduce all the ambiguities which exist in the Greek text; however, if
the subsequent context is kept clear in translation, as it is in the
original, perhaps the initial ambiguity should be left intact. That
being said, if we are looking for an English translation which would
mirror the ambiguity of the Greek structure, we might go for "At each
remembrance, I give thanks . . ." I realize that this leaves the
you-hUMWN entirely out of the picture, but I'm not certain there is a
cleaner way of expressing the thought with the ambiguity, unless we
start messing around with TH MNEIA, to render it by an English verbal.

Daniel L. Christiansen
Department of Bible
Multnomah Bible College
8435 NE Glisan Street
Portland, OR  97220
(Also Portland Bible College, Prof of Biblical Languages)

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