Re: Revising Funk's (Notorious) B.I.G. (was re: Funk's 3-volume set)

From: Carl W. Conrad (
Date: Fri Aug 13 1999 - 11:32:44 EDT

At 9:53 AM -0500 8/13/99, Perry L. Stepp wrote:
>From: Edward Hobbs <EHOBBS@WELLESLEY.EDU>
>>Perry Stepp has written me that Daryl Schmidt did in fact say just exactly
>>that he was revising Funk's 3-vol. textbook.
>Dr. Schmidt and I did in fact exchange messages regarding this yesterday,
>and my recollection was correct. He is part of a group working toward a
>revision of Funk's (Notorious) B.I.G. (Beginning-Intermediate Grammar).
>Schmidt indicated to me that the revision was (and had been for several
>years) still in the planning stages, with little active work being done.
>Most NT-specific introductory grammars I've looked at are just variations on
>Machen. Won't it be great to have a real, updated, radical alternative?
>I've often thought that, if I ever *did* finish my Ph.D. and take a position
>teaching Greek (somedays a future in garbage collection looks more
>promising) I'd likely use the *Athenaze* or something classically oriented.
>Ah, well.

Sorry, I've gotta ask one LAST note for clarification: this is DIFFERENT,
is it not, from the work of revising Blass-Debrunner-Funk? Or is it the
only thing that the committee that Schmidt and Micheal Palmer are on are
working on? Surely there must be TWO projects involved?

In any case, I really am delighted to hear that the Funk B.I.G. will be
revised and reappear--even if it will never be ready during my teaching
career (which has now only 1.5 years to run).

Carl W. Conrad
Department of Classics, Washington University
Summer: 1647 Grindstaff Road/Burnsville, NC 28714/(828) 675-4243 OR

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