Re: Souter's Lexicon

From: Jonathan Robie (
Date: Sun Aug 15 1999 - 15:57:37 EDT

<x-flowed>At 02:54 PM 8/15/99 -0400, A K M Adam wrote:
>I read this whole thread with interest, forgetting all the while that I had
>picked up a copy of Souter at Princeton's annual festival of second-hand
>books (the considerable proceeds go to overseas missions/libraries). I like
>it very much, with the sole exception that it would be more convenient were
>Souter to have included some indication of the gender of the nouns he

I think I can get it for $6.00, so I'm going to try. I can at least get the
genders of nouns out of my UBS 3rd, but I'm hoping Souter's goes a little
beyond the lexicon in the UBS 3rd. Does it?


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