Re: new pages

From: Maurice A. O'Sullivan (
Date: Wed Aug 18 1999 - 13:56:38 EDT

<x-flowed>Wieland's vocabularly lists are to be welcomed.

However, could I point out that there is a freeware Windows flashcard
program called QuickMem Greek currently available.
A brief description from the web page at:

  QuickMem Greek uses the QuickMem engine
                    to help you learn New Testament Greek
                    vocabulary. The words lists are based on Bruce
                    M. Metzger's Lexical Aids for Students of New
                    Testament Greek covering all words occurring ten
                    or more times in the New Testament.



At 16:12 18/08/99 +0200, "Wieland Willker" <>
>Today I've had 2 hours spare time and I've prepared:
>a) three images of papyrus P66
>b) two vocabulary lists: one with the basic 1200 words and one with the more
>special John-words (atm with German translation only). Maybe someone wants
>to prepare the English translation?
>I don't know if this is worth the effort, comments are always welcome. (I
>know that there are some wrong accents.)
>The files can be accessed from the page:
>Btw: The TC list is down for one week now, but they are working on it.
>Best wishes
> Wieland
> <><
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Maurice A. O'Sullivan [ Bray, Ireland ]

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