Re: Canned E-mail

Date: Mon Aug 23 1999 - 01:12:38 EDT

On Sun, 22 Aug 1999 22:04:05 -0400 Jonathan Robie
<> writes:
> Paul,
> Is there an email address we can complain to about this? Have other
> people had this problem?


Yes, I have had several email me personally and others on-list indicate
that they had received the canned email.

Apparently it was programmed to send only to the contributers of
the list, and apparently only until the guy came back and changed it.
He did just now email and apologize. I suspect we shall no longer
have the joy of seeing it again. If you still want his name and email,
let me know and I'll send it privately.

Paul Dixon

> Jonathan
> At 01:36 PM 8/21/99 -0700, wrote:
> >Am I the only guy receiving automatic, canned email from the Holy
> >Scriptures
> >Ministries Communication Center in response to my emailing
> >the b-greek list, or are others getting it, as well?
> >
> >I don't mind once, but indefinitely, or until the guy gets back and
> >changes it?
> >
> >Paul Dixon
> >
> >
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