Re: A change in administration of the List

From: Jonathan Robie (
Date: Sun Aug 22 1999 - 21:49:35 EDT

<x-flowed>Edward has been with this list since the very beginning, long before I ever
showed up, and he has definitely helped shape the personality of this list
over the years. Those of you who are academics know of his scholarly
reputation, and his posts here on B-Greek have often brought out important
points that others were missing. To me personally, though, it has been at
least as important that he is fun to work with, and that he has given
useful advice in dealing with problems that arise on the list. I had the
privilege of meeting Edward twice, and found him to be a gracious host and
a delightful raconteur. As someone who turned 40 this year, I must say that
meeting Edward and Fred Danker really helped me realize how much of my life
was ahead of me, not behind me, and that I have a long road ahead of me
before I will have enough experience to understand certain things.

I am sad to see Edward step down as Co-Chair. It has been wonderful being
on the same team with him. I feel a little guilty for taking advantage of
Edward's time for roughly a year since he first told us that he wanted to
retire as Co-Chair. We had a number of things we wanted to put in place
over the last year, and we wanted to reach stability before letting him go.
I believe that we have reached a point of stability, and that the list is
running very well right now, so this is a good time for transition. I am
grateful to Edward for being such an important part of what B-Greek has
become, for his advice and help, and for helping us reach this point of
stability before stepping down.

When we knew that Edward was going to be stepping down, we decided it was
best to find someone else to serve as Co-Chair, since we have found that
the wisdom of more than one head is very important in running this list. I
immediately thought of Carlton Winbery, who has a very good online
personality, has given great advice as a member of the B-Greek staff, and
has a good background in New Testament studies as well as in the Greek
language. Both Edward and Carl felt he would be a great choice, and that we
should ask him before thinking about other possibilities. Fortunately, he
accepted the role, and we are all delighted to have Carlton on board now as
the second Co-Chair.

Despite the subject line, I believe this is more than a change in
administration, it is also a change in the soul of the list. It was very
important to me to choose someone who I liked and trusted as a person. The
chairs of this list are extremely vital, and they can make it or break it.
I wanted someone whom I trusted deeply, and I also wanted someone with whom
I would enjoy spending some of my spare time. Carlton is an ideal choice.

I wish I knew how to write an ending for this message, but I'm afraid there
is no way to bring it to closure. Edward has given us many good years, and
we can easily see the positive influence that he has been. Carlton has been
with us for a long time, but his personality will influence the list
differently in his role as Co-Chair. Just how, we can not foresee, but I
have confidence that I will enjoy the ride.

List-Owner, B-Greek



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