Re: Question on NIV of 1 Tim. 6:12

From: Carl W. Conrad (
Date: Tue Aug 31 1999 - 11:18:16 EDT

At 7:50 AM -0700 8/31/99, Garland H Shinn wrote:
>I thought of the possibility of a participle here, but could find no
>evidence for it. I would hate to think that the translation is based on a
>mis-reading of the text. The evidence for the previous KAI is weak, and
>found only in the TR. The co-relative idea it introduces makes the text
>somewhat difficult to understand. One wonders in what sense the "calling" is
>at the same time as the "confessing."

I wouldn't know whether the NIV committee has any preference for the TR or
is at all likely to take more seriously the TR text, but I didn't really
think they'd mistake HWMOLOGHSAS for a participle (as one of my
undergraduates would, although he/she'd more likely go the other way around
and understand the participle as a second singular aorist indicative), but
I think the KAI EKLHQHS ... KAI hWMOLOGHSAS very likely is the reason for
associating the two actions in understanding the sense of the verse.

As for "calling" at the same time as "confessing," I don't suppose the use
of the two aorists coordinately has to mean that the two actions are
absolutely simultaneous, but you might compare Mk 1:17-18 KAI EIPEN AUTOIS
AUTWi ... where, in my opinion, the EUQUS is quite intentional to indicate
an instantaneous response by Simon and Andrew to Jesus' call. Impulsive,
perhaps, and perhaps on occasion thereafter rued by Peter, but that's the
way I've always thought of Peter (respond at once, think about what it
means later)--and perhaps it's how we might suppose Paul always thought of

Carl W. Conrad
Department of Classics/Washington University
One Brookings Drive/St. Louis, MO, USA 63130/(314) 935-4018
Home: 7222 Colgate Ave./St. Louis, MO 63130/(314) 726-5649

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