
From: Dan E. Barnes (
Date: Wed Sep 01 1999 - 18:42:32 EDT

I wrote:

As for 24:5, I think the Hebrew for it was found in the
Geniza of the Ben Ezra Synagouge in Egypt (My notes do not have it written
down the scroll designation for either, however see
gopher:// which has the Greek/Hebrew
in parallel [maybe down though...]).

I thought it was down because when I tried to go to this site I wasn't
getting a connection. Now that I have, I have come to find that the Hebrew
text I found in my notes must have been a conjectured reading rather than
one found in an old manuscript. The full address to see the parallel
Greek/Hebrew Ben Sirah is
. Still, I think it is not disputed that 'chug' lies behind 'guron'. I just
wanted to point out some other occurences.

Daniel Barnes

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