Re: 2 Cor 6:10

From: Joe A. Friberg (
Date: Thu Sep 02 1999 - 15:15:07 EDT

----- Original Message -----
From: Brian & Tina Perkins <>
To: Biblical Greek <>

> In 2 Cor 6:10, what do you think Paul was trying to say by differentiating
> What's the difference in "having" and "possessing"?

KATA- generally has an intensifying effect. May be something like 'hold on
to' as in 1 Thes 5.21, 1 Cor 11.2, 15.2 (of gospel, traditions, etc.), or
used negatively of physical possessions in 1 Cor 7.30.

Choice of words EXW/KATEXW probably due to rhetoric as much as to specific
sense of word. Especially since KATAEXW is so polysemous--it must pick up
much of its sense from context: here it is contrast between physical lack
and spiritual riches/blessings.

Joe Friberg
Arlngton, TX

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