Re: katakaluptos

From: Jay Adkins (
Date: Wed Sep 01 1999 - 08:10:31 EDT

On 09/01/99, ""Mike Piles" <>" wrote:
> This word appears in 1 Corinthians 11.

Are there any LXX uses, or extra biblical uses of the word, ie early
fathers, early christian art examples that would help me discern exactly
what the practice, and article of adornment was in Corinth.

Mike Piles

The term KATAKALUPTOS is found in the NT in 1 Cor 11:6&7. A search of this
term using Gramcord produced the following verses in the LXX.
Gene 38:15 (LXX)
Exod 26:34
Exod 29:22
Levi 3:3
Levi 3:14
Levi 4:8
Levi 7:3
Levi 9:19
Numb 4:5
Numb 22:5

Only the first verse in the list seems to have any bearing at all on your
question though.

Sola Gratia,
Always Under Grace!

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