Re: b-greek digest: September 02, 1999

From: clayton stirling bartholomew (
Date: Fri Sep 03 1999 - 14:22:49 EDT

There are a number of articles by Dan Wallace on questions related to
English translations and also the text of KJV at this location:

The articles include issues like "why so many translations", and also
the majority text stuff. Wallace is NOT a defender of the majority text.
Anyway, this stuff is accessible via a mouse click (or two).

Clayton Stirling Bartholomew
Three Tree Point
P.O. Box 255 Seahurst WA 98062

> > At 08:22 03/09/99 -0500, you wrote: >>I have been assigned the task of talking about the task of translations to a >>small rural church. I felt that giving some history of translations and >>some background on the methods of translation would be a wise start. I have >>been investigating several books, including Metzger's, Text of the New >>Testament; Comfort's, The Quest for the Original Text; and Carson's, King >>James Version Debate. I also am looking at books by Jack P. Lewis. >> >>What books would you recommend for such a study? >>

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