Re: b-greek digest: September 02, 1999

From: C. E. Core (
Date: Sat Sep 04 1999 - 03:14:29 EDT

Hello Phil,
If you are interested in adding to your list of topics, how the word of God is
translated into obscure regions of the world, even those that have no written
language of through own, you may want to contact the Wycliffe Bible translators.
Even in understanding what went into the KJV or the big publishers versions, I found
it quite interesting to see how these folks devote their whole lives to give others
the Bible.

in Christ -chris

Phil Sanders wrote:

> I have been assigned the task of talking about the task of translations to a
> small rural church. I felt that giving some history of translations and
> some background on the methods of translation would be a wise start. I have
> been investigating several books, including Metzger's, Text of the New
> Testament; Comfort's, The Quest for the Original Text; and Carson's, King
> James Version Debate. I also am looking at books by Jack P. Lewis.
> What books would you recommend for such a study?
> ---
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