Re: E-Mail in Greek

From: Trevor Jenkins (
Date: Wed Sep 01 1999 - 07:37:55 EDT

> I ran across a site that teaches modern Greek to English listeners via
> real audio, and they had a section there about how to e-mail in greek
> characters using the following operating systems, any thoughts on this
> or is this a lost cause. They also have a Technical Support Forum.

We have this discussion once in a while. Personally I think it is a lost
cause. Although they cover most of the popular operating systems they do
not address the problem of display. For example, connected to my UNIX
workstation are two ancient VT320s. I still use them and even read email
with them.

> Their address is :
> Apple Macintosh Systems
> UNIX Systems
> Windows 3.1 / 3.11 Systems
> Windows 95/98 Systems
> Windows NT 3.51 Systems
> Windows NT 4.0 Systems
> Important: Upgrading to Windows 98 with proper Greek support

And just to show that I'm not a Luddite. I get to use Windows 2000. :-)

There are other arguments against using fonts in email. Firstly, their use
currently requires that you turn on HTML-email. This causes two copies of
your message text to be sent out. One copy as plain ASCII (as we use now)
and a parallel copy with lots of HTML markup added to it. This duplication
reduces the bandwidth of the Internet for other uses. It also increases my
phone bill---here in England we pay for local calls even those to our ISP's
POP. Secondly, there are issue of encoding the specific characters and
glyphs. Not all font foundries agree on those. Even Microsoft and Apple
cannot agree on them; witness some problems with PostScript. When I was
part of ISO I hear rumours that the Greeks could not (or was it would not)
agree on the encoding of greek into "ASCII".

Regards, Trevor


<>< Re: deemed!

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