From: Bill Barton (
Date: Sun Sep 05 1999 - 16:36:06 EDT

Jim West wrote:

JW>in fact erasmus had no copy of rev in greek-- so he translated the
vulgate into greek and viola! revelation in greek as the TR has it!>

Metzger notes the following in "The Text of the New Testament" (Oxford,
1992, pp. 99-100):

Owing to the haste in production [of Erasmus' 1516 Greek text], the volume
contains hundreds of typographical errors; in fact, Scrivner once declared,
'[It] is in that respect the most faulty book I know.' 1 Since Erasmus
could not find a manuscript which contained the entire Greek Testament, he
utilized several for various parts of the New Testament. For most of the
text he relied on two rather inferior manuscripts from a monsastic library
at Basle, one of the Gospels (see Plate XV) and one of the Acts and
Epistles, both dating from about the twelfth century.2 Erasmus compared
them with two or three others of the same books and entered occasional
corrections for the printer in the margins or between the lines of the
Greek script.3 For the Book of Revelation he had but one manuscript,
dating from the twelfth century, which he had borrowed from his friend,
Reuchlin. Unfortunately, this manuscript lacked the final leaf, which had
contained the last six verses of the book. For these verses, as well as a
few other passages throughout the book where the Greek text of the
Apocalypse and the adjoining Greek commentary with which the manuscript was
supplied are so mixed up as to be almost indistinguishable, Erasmus
depended upon the Latin Vulgate, translating this text into Greek. As
would be expected from such a procedure, here and there in Erasmus'
self-made Greek text are readings which have never been found in any known
Greek manuscript--but which are still perpetuated today in printings of the
so-called Textus Receptus of the Greek New Testament.1"

"1 For example akathartetos (Rev. xvii.4; there is, however, no such word
in the Greek language as akathartes, meaning 'uncleanness'); orthrinos
(xxii.16); elthe twice, elthetw (xxii.17); summarturoumai gar...epitithei
pros tauta (xxii.18); aphairei biblou...aphairesei (future for aphelei!!),
biblou (second occurrence) xxii.19; humwn (xxii.21)."

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