Re: DEISSMANN, G. Adolf--Bible Studies

From: JŸrg Buchegger (
Date: Mon Sep 06 1999 - 02:57:58 EDT

Sat, 04 Sep 1999 11:31:59 -0700 clayton stirling bartholomew wrote:
> Can anyone tell me what is in this book and if it is worth 8.95 (CBD
> closeout)?
> DEISSMANN, G. Adolf--Bible Studies: Contributions Chiefly from Papyri
> and Inscriptions to the History of the Language, Literature and the
> Religion of Hellenistic Judaism and Primitive Christianity. -No series-.
> Hendrickson Publishers, 1901. Greek, Biblical.

and Jim West responded Sat, 04 Sep 1999 16:04:38 -0400
> BUY IT!!!!!!
> Deismann's work is ground breaking! He knew more about papyri and
> inscriptions than anyone of his day (and more than most papyrologists of
> ours as well!!!).

and Kevin W.Woodruff added Sat, 04 Sep 1999 14:59:44 -0400
> Clayton:
> IMHo this is a steal. This work in conjunction with Deissmann's _Light
> the Ancient Near East_ was the groundbreaking work that showed that the
> Koine of the Greek New Testament was identical to the ordinary vernacular
> the ordinary people. Very good for illustrations of how words were used.
> a good scripture index.

Dear Clayton,
may I add some remarks:
1 If you want to buy the english version of this book, I would surely buy it
for a price like this. The only thing you have to remember, when using this
book today: It is 100 years old and there has been much progress especially
in the area of papyrology and new findings of inscriptions. So this is a
"historically very important" book but not a up to date reference book for
today. And: Deissmann had the tendency to neglect too much the influence of
the LXX on the NT vocabulary. But still his work was very, very important.
2 Here are the three most important books by Deissmann: Deissmann, Adolf,
Licht vom Osten. Das Neue Testament und die neuentdeckten Texte der
hellenistisch-ršmischen Welt, TŸbingen, 4.Aufl. 1923; ders., Bibelstudien,
Marburg, 1895; ders., Neue Bibelstudien, Marburg, 1897. Deissmann also
wrote the article on hellenistic Greek in the RealencyclopŠdie of 1899 (Art.
Hellenistisches Griechisch, RE 7, 1899, 627-639).
3 If somebody is interested in the ongoing research on the influence of the
papyri and inscriptions etc. on the NT vocabulary he should notice, that the
old Moulton-Milligan (which really was one of the "products" of the work
Deissmann had initiated) is currently being renewed by Prof. Horsley and
Prof. Lee down in Australia. A report on their doing well and some interim
entries can be found in: Horsley, G.H.R. and Lee, John A.L., A lexicon of
the New Testament with documentary parallels: Some interim entries, 1,
Filologia Neotestamentica 10, 1997, 55-84.

Greetings from JŸrg Buchegger, Bern, Switzerland

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