Re: Greek Concordances

From: Jon Weatherly (
Date: Tue Sep 07 1999 - 09:58:08 EDT

I second Jim's opinion on Moulton and Geden. My copy is generously
marked up and well worn.

I can add that T. & T. Clark has pursued a plan to revise M&G to
conform to NA26. In the late 80s, Howard Marshall enlisted postgrads at
Aberdeen, including myself, to compare M&G to NA26 and bring all
references into conformity with it. We completed the work and were
unhandsomely paid for it, but the publisher has not moved forward with
the project.

For me the experience was valuable, however, because I discovered that,
at least for the pages that I checked, all the points where NA26
differed from the Westcott and Hort text were listed in M&G as variant
readings. So, unwilling to part with my friendly M&G or with the money
to buy the *Vollstandige Konkordanz* on NA26, I have soldiered on with
the confidence that my antiquated weapon is not yet entirely obsolete.

Jon Weatherly
Cincinnati Bible College & Seminary

--- Jim West <> wrote:
> At 06:52 AM 9/7/99 -0400, you wrote:
> >give me your recommendations and critiques about
> the ones available
> >(particularly Moulton and Geden;
> This is the one I use the most and like the best.
> The drawback- it is not
> based on the most recent critical edition of the NT,
> NA27. Nevertheless, it
> is excellent and thorough.

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