B-Greeks & SBL

From: Jeffrey B. Gibson (jgibson000@mailhost.chi.ameritech.net)
Date: Mon Sep 13 1999 - 17:42:35 EDT

It's that time of year again for me to issue the now "traditional" call
to B-Greeks who are planning to attend the Annual SBL Convention (this
year in Edward Hobb's back yard -- Boston) to let me know who you are.

I'm assuming, of course that there is interest in doing what have done
at the past two SBLs (OK, so it's a "young" tradition) and gathering
first informally on the morning (11am) Saturday Nov 20th at or near the
Gramcord Booth in the exhibition hall (shouting very loudly how
wonderful Gramcord is) and arranging a time when it is convenient to
gather together to get to know one another in person and/or renew old

So send me your names **off list**, as well as information on when
you're planning to arrive and where you'll be staying, and I'll keep a
tally of names.



Jeffrey B. Gibson
7423 N. Sheridan Road #2A
Chicago, Illinois 60626
e-mail jgibson000@ameritech.net

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