Re: DE

From: Blahoslav Číčel (
Date: Thu Sep 16 1999 - 03:27:27 EDT

Dne ét, 16 z‡ż’ 1999 jste napsal(a):
> I think this particle is often overlooked and is also treated in a rather
> sloppy manner. Many seem to assume that DE and KAI are synonomous.
> I understand DE to be continuative and KAI to be adjunctive or ascensive.
> DE is sometimes translated "but" in English. Once again, I see DE to be
> primarily continuative while ALLA is adversative.
> Has anyone on list done extensive work in comparing these particles?
> George

I have no extensive work, but I'd like to point again to that, what Carl wrote:
... <<
Another factor here is that it is the nature of the beast that is the Greek
language to require connective particles in a regular sequence of
discourse, and the weakest of such links is a DE. The beast that is the
English language has no such requirement. In this instance, I'm inclined to
think that when 17:6 ends with "and it would have heeded you," a more
forceful disjunction such as the DE implies in the Greek is actually
created by NOT translating the DE, i.e., by continuing straight on with,
"Which of you who has a slave who is plowing or tending a flock ... ?"
... >>
In my lenguage (czech) we have a similar particle: "pak", which was formerly use
in a similar way as DE, but now is fading out of the modern language in this
sense. So, if Czech, why not Greek? :-)

pastor, Most, Czech rep.

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