Re: Translation?

From: Maurice A. O'Sullivan (
Date: Tue Sep 14 1999 - 14:15:17 EDT

<x-flowed>At 06:51 13/09/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Thanks to Maurice for his reference to the Biblica articles. On those
>pages, there are two words as part of the contents/headings that I do not
>understand (though the rough sense is obvious; they're probably in the
>print edition also, but I've managed to ignore them there!):
>"Animadversiones" and "Commentationes." Would someone enlighten me?

Just using the term "ecclesiastical Latin " I know is going to get me into

Sidwell [ Sidwell, Keith. Reading Medieval Latin. Cambridge: C.U.P,
1995.)] in his introduction cites Traube's remark that "there is no such
thing as medieval Latin," and goes on to answer this point well. in his

So I will boldly quote from:
Stelten, Leo F. Dictionary of Ecclesiastical Latin. Peabody, Mass:
Hendrickson, 1995.
and show that even within this category there is an even more specialised
ecclesiastical Latin, that used by canon lawyers.

In the body of this dictionary, animadversiones is defined as:
>> animadversio -onis: f.; perception, observation; reproach, censure,
critical remark; punishment; see Appendix<<

The intro to the Appendix states:

>>The following terms and their translations and or definitions have been
gathered from a variety of sources. Most of them came from chancery offices
throughout the country in answer to a request for words and phrases that
people thought ought to be included in a handy reference book. Their use
should be to guide the user toward a general understanding; further
investigation and research may be necessary In many instances. A list of
helpful books follows this Appendix. Although most entries have a
connection with Canon Law, with either the Code of 1918 or that of 1983,
many do not.<<

And here we find a more specialized definiton:

>>animadversiones: remarks, observations; the comments of the defender of
the bond upholding the validity of a particular marriage under
investigation by a Church court.<<

Bearing in mind that the Pontifical Biblical Institute publishes "Biblica",
I think the
"defender" element is more to the fore than the colloquial sense in which
we use "animadversions against ...... "

Hope this helps.

Maurice A. O'Sullivan [ Bray, Ireland ]

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