Re: Philippians 1:9-11

From: Jeffrey B. Gibson (
Date: Sat Sep 18 1999 - 09:35:06 EDT

"Carl W. Conrad" wrote:

> At 9:28 PM -0500 9/17/99, Joseph Brian Tucker wrote:
> >Greetings
> >
> >I have placed the entire sentence in one post instead of breaking it up,
> >thanks for the suggestion. I hope it makes answering the questions easier.
> Why do I get the impression that we are composing, bit by bit, a new
> commentary on the Greek text of Philippians? Looks like we began back on
> September 3 and have been plodding along verse by verse. Oder?

To these eyes it looks like you're doing his homework for him!

Good to hear that you'll be coming to SBL. Have you booked your ticket yet? Do you
know when you'll be arriving and departing?


Jeffrey B. Gibson
7423 N. Sheridan Road #2A
Chicago, Illinois 60626

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