Re: 2 "How do I .....?"

From: Maurice A. O'Sullivan (
Date: Tue Oct 05 1999 - 05:04:06 EDT

<x-flowed>At 21:42 04/10/99 -0400, "Joseph Nally" <> wrote:
>As far as opening to BGD every time so to FILE PREFERENCES and then
>STARTUP and pick the LOADWORKSPACE dot and choose the WORKSPACE name and
>CHECK the AUTO SAVE workspace button.
>Now shut down Logos.
>Then go back and UN-check the AUTO SAVE workspace button ONLY. Now every
>time you start Logos it should open with your prescribed workspace. If you
>keep it checked it will open where you left off every time.

My thanks to all who so promptly came to my aid with this problem, but
especially Joseph Nally who provided the above.
It was indeed _leaving_ AutoSave checked which caused the trouble.
I just had not realised that AutoSave is a once-off operation.

>As far as the Library Browser mine was completely collapsed until this week
>and I am not sure what has changed, so I will not offer any advise here.

I, too, only experienced this problem this week --- which suggests a
cut-off date, or perhaps so many days allowed before lapsing, being built
into a file somewhere; I only suggest this on the analogy of those trial
versions of software that operate this way.
Perhaps some one in the tech end of Logos might have some ideas on why this
is happening to two of us just this week?

and thanks again for the help -- it does suggest a community at work,
doesn't it?


Maurice A. O'Sullivan
[Bray, Ireland]

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