kata panda kai dia panda

From: Felipe Flores-Morelos (fflores@mail.internet.com.mx)
Date: Wed Oct 06 1999 - 02:53:51 EDT

Your messages are very interesting. Thanks.
We are trying to do a translation into spanish. The translations to this
text that exist now in spanish do not convince us:

Lo tuyo, de lo que es tuyo, te lo ofrecemos por todos y por todo
(translation under the direction of Arzbishop Nicodim Rusnak, Buenos Aires,
Exarcado del Patriarcado de Moscœ).

Te ofrecemos lo que es tuyo, de parte de los tuyos, por todos y por todo
(Mons. AndrŽs Sapelak, Obispo Eparca para los fieles cat—licos ucranios en
Argentina. Ed. Lumen, Buenos Aires, 1990). Here EX TON SON is: from all
your (people), and KATA PANDA is: for all (the people) and DIA PANDA is:
for all (the things).

One important problem is that: if we use POR (POR TODO), FOR, it means in
spanish "in exchange of..." (we offer yours, so you give us all things), or
it means "due to all, it is, because off all, or in consideration of all.
It is, POR in spanish: by, for, through, along, over, by way of, around,
about, in, at, by means of, in exchange for, in return for, etc. This is
why we need to translate so accurately.

Te ofrecemos lo que es tuyo, de lo que es tuyo, en todo y por todo (Roma,
1964). It is in all, and for all.

Lo tuyo, de lo tuyo, te ofrecemos por todo y por todos (Arzbishop Dmtri
Royster, Mexican Exarchate OCA. Don Pablo de Ballester, Greek Church,
Mexico): for all (the people) and for all (in exchange off whatever)

De lo tuyo, te ofrecemos lo tuyo, por todos y por todo (Flores,
Petropoulos). : for all (the people) and for all (in exchange off whatever)

Lo tuyo, de lo tuyo, te ofrecemos en cuanto a todo y a travŽs de todo
(Mureddu): in all things and through all things.

Las cosas tuyas, de lo que es tuyo, te ofrecemos sobre todas las cosas,
por medio de todo (Mureddu , Flores). above, over all things and through
all things.

Lo tuyo, de lo tuyo, te ofrecemos por cada una de las cosas, y por medio de
todo (Flores, Koliussi): for each thing and through all thing

We are translating here KATA (= segœn, en cuanto a, a lo largo de, cada)
with a distributive meaning: for each thing we offer...it is: whatever we

And DIA (=debido a, a causa de, por, a travŽs de, por medio de) : por medio
de, through: por medio de todo.

So, one of the problems is: What do PANTA means, it is to what it refers?
"All", I now, in spanish "todo", in plural (if neutral), but in spanish
"all" means also "all" (the people): "todos", because we do not have a
neutral plural for PANTA: if we translate "todo" it is singular and can be
referred to neutral, but if we translate in plural, then "todos" refers to
all people, not to all things.

We are now, now, thanks to your help, understanding better the text. We
think it is a very important and theological text. In some way it seems to
contain a definition for all we call "sacred": it is,. all is sacred
(belongs to God), only what we take for us becomes "profane".

I hope this message is not to confusing and you have some more comments on
the subject.

Thanks a lot.
Felipe Flores-Morelos
Av. Universidad 1330-Orly-1002.
Col. del Carmen, Coyoacan,
 Mexico, C.P. 04100, D.F.
Tel-fax. 52-5-6597194

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