joining b-greek and lookin' for info

From: Samuel Sais Borrās (
Date: Wed Oct 06 1999 - 05:48:45 EDT

Hello out there!
I'm just subscribed to b-greek and I'm trying to get in contact with the
other members. As you can see (or better, read) my english is not very good
(nor acceptable sometimes) since I'm from Catalonia, Spain. I'm teaching
New Testament Greek in the Facultat de Teologia de Catalunya in Barcelona
since 1994. But I'm not theologist but Philologist, although I cursed
non-official studies in Theology.
Now, let me make a question: I'm looking for an electronic edition of the
Codex Bezae Cantabrigensis. I know that there is an edition of the Libreria
Editrice Vaticana made by Antonio Ammassari on paper, but does anyone know
if an electronic edition exists?
Thank you

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